TAAL Retreat


Creative Transformation Coach and Renaissance Woman Founder of Art of Ageless Living Retreats, Diane Van Buren is a powerful Speaker, Outdoor Room Designer, Travel Blogger and Author.

Her new book, Enlightened Rome: Discover the Magic of Piazzas and Public Spaces in Rome, Italy, redefines travel guides: it champions travel as a portal to personal development, as well as the realization of personal goals and dreams.

Her small group trips focus on the arts as invaluable resources. Her clients learn powerful tools to put into practice proven, creative techniques that perform as highly effective catalysts for personal development. Diane’s work highlights practices and spiritual places that promote the transformational power of beauty, and the intrinsic power of place that is hardwired to our memory. Public spaces, urban squares and piazzas are the heartthrob of cities. Pulsating people magnets, their vibrant energy springs from the nexus of architecture, urban planning, landscape and the arts. Join Diane, and let her guide you to spark, imagine and aspire…

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TAAL RETREAT BUNDLE is a movement in a global community offering coaching and diverse arts adventures to expertly guide women seeking to live their best life year after year – beginning in midlife or retirement. First session starts June 21, 2022.