My Story, My Passion
I am blessed with travel. With early visits to Native American sites and museums, I developed a passion for distinctive arts, architecture, and refined cultural expression that communicates great spirit and love of community.
My favorite toys came magically tumbling out of cereal boxes. Pretty pairs of tiny figurines posed as couples from around the world. I adored them all. I wanted to know them. I wanted to go to their far away lands.
I am devoted to helping you…LIVE enjoying the healing power of BEAUTY. Writing, Photography, Sculpture and Design uplift, refresh, and inspire.
At ten, I traded my figurines for real life world travel they so presciently foretold. Moving to Tripoli, Libya, I studied Arabic and French. On family picnics I had the run of Leptis Magna and Sabbratha – the world’s best preserved ancient Roman cities majestically overlooking the limpid waters of the Mediterranean. Then Col. Khadafi cancelled the lease for Wheelus high school on the American Air Base.
This gift in allowed me to attend high school in Rome, Italy for three years. Studying Italian, art history and architecture, I fell in love with Italy.
I rejoined my family who’d moved to Sumatra, Indonesia and enjoyed more travels in Australia, Bali, and Singapore. Making new friends and studying Bahasa (Indonesian), I dove into my architecture studies in Austin, Texas. Next, I moved to the Big Apple and reveled in the vibrant energy of this great metropolis. Later, I settled in Dallas, Texas, my current home. Every year I travel to my favorite places and love making friends along the way.
I am devoted to helping you…TRAVEL deeply, relaxing and experiencing magnificent cities. Retreats offer authentic, expansive enrichment and engaged connection.